Benefits of being an RSGB Member
Becoming a member of the RSGB and RHS is only a small additional cost in relation to the significant investment you have already made in your Riva.
A large amount of effort is put in by the RHS in maintaining the history and values of Riva runabouts. This helps ensure that in the longer term the investment you have already made in your Riva is further enhanced due to the publicity, by the RHS, of the Riva history and provenance of the runabouts.
In addition to this important aspect, and the pleasure of being a proud owner of a Riva runabout, the membership of the RSGB gives you valuable access to important information on the maintenance, restoration and provenance of your Riva investment.
Membership also gives you access to all the 'Riva Days' and local Chapter 'Club Events', including the annual 'Technical Tutorial Meeting', usually held in the spring of each year at a boat yard in Italy. Here you can both learn and add to the Riva knowledge base.
You will also, should you decide to attend any of the Riva Events, meet people with a wealth of knowledge, experience and knowhow who are willing to help and share their passion with you.
Finally the RHS produces around three VivaRiva in-house magazines a year which are full of information to help keep you up-to-date with Riva and its Events. You can also advertise in VivaRiva to buy or sell Riva related items. In addition, at Christmas time each year, you will receive an A3 sized colour Calendar with pictures of many of the Events held throughout the year.
Subscription Payment:
You can choose to pay using the credit card options below or by direct electronic payment.
By direct payment you need to pay the initial fee plus the subscription for the first year direct to our account. You should then contact us with details of your Riva. You then need to set up a standing order, payable in November each year starting the following year, for just the annual subscription.
Our bank details are:
Account Name: Riva Society GB Limited.
Sort Code: 60-83-71. Account Number: 89819126.
or IBAN: GB96SRLG60837189819126. Swift/BIC: SRLGGB2L

Choose your pricing plan
Initial Joining Fee
75£To be paid with first years subscription - a one off payment- Access to Full membership of RSGB and RHS - Non refundable.
Personal Membership
105.50£Every year+£770 Initial one-off Joining FeeFor the Riva OwnerValid for 2 years- Access to all Riva Events, an Annual Calendar and VivaRiva.
- £105.50 - Annually unless cancelled. Minimum 2 years
- £99.50 If paid directly to RSGB Bank (Contact RSGB for info)
Professional Members
160£Every yearFor Riva professionals and suppliersValid for 2 years- All Riva Events, an Annual Calendar and VivaRiva
- £160 - Payable each year unless cancelled. Minimum 2 Years.
Your membership, for the first year only, is made up of the 'Initial Joining Fee" + your specific 'Annual Membership Fee'. Thereafter it is just the 'Annual Membership Fee'.